We mostly ship items using the United States Postal Service via Priority Mail Flat Rate boxes, as we find this to be the best value for our customers but we reserve the right to use any shipping carrier of our choice such as FedEx or UPS.
Shipping & Delivery
At this time, BlanksWareHouse ships merchandise to locations within the United States and U.S. territories, including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands. Additionally, BlanksWareHouse ships merchandise to Canada and Mexico but not to other international locations through this website. For international orders or shipping, please contact us via email or information and processing. The risk of loss and title for all merchandise ordered on this website passes to you when postage is purchased from the shipping carrier.
Please be aware that all estimated shipping times, both written and verbal, are subject to change and are, in fact, simply estimates. Factors beyond the control of BlanksWareHouse, its owners, associates, and affiliates may delay, postpone or cause shipments to be canceled. We take no responsibility for delays or loss of any kind that may arise while packages and shipments are in transit or while in possession of any delivery service.
Blankswarehouse reserves the right to use any shipping service or provider of their choice and is not restricted to using the United States Postal Service exclusively. Once an order is processed by BlanksWareHouse, and BlanskWareHouse has made payment to the shipping provider for postage and tracking number(s) have been provided to BlanksWareHouse, we will not be responsible at that point in time for the loss or delay of the package(s) and or damage done to the package(s) and or it's contents.
In short, because some shipping services such as the USPS, are not consistent or capable of scanning packages upon pickup to provide us with proof of receipt, we will no longer be responsible for the mishandling or loss of packages caused by any shipping provider or carrier(s). Should a package become lost, delayed, misdelivered or damaged, it will be the sole responsibility of the customer to deal with the shipping service directly to obtain whatever refund or reimbursement that may be due. Please note, that unless the customer requests in writing, in advance, to have, and pays for in advance, additional insurance that covers the full package value, all packages will ship and be covered by the minimum amount of insurance offered through the shipping provider for the service or shipping method purchased. Please note that not all shipping providers offer insurance with some services that may be used.